1. What is eFrontiers?

eFrontiers is a tech startup focused on revolutionizing the way people learn and absorb information. Our product, Money Masters, is a financial education app designed to make learning about finance fun and interactive.

2. What is the Money Masters app?

Money Masters is an app that uses gamification to teach financial concepts. It breaks down complex financial information into bite-sized, interactive modules, making it easier to understand and remember.

3. Who can use the Money Masters app?

The app is designed for anyone who wants to improve their financial literacy. Whether you’re a student, a professional, an entrepreneur, or just someone interested in learning more about finance, Money Masters is for you.

4. How can eFrontiers help startups?

Startups often face financial challenges that can make or break their success. Efrontier Markets provides financial education that can help startup founders better understand their financial situation, make informed decisions, and avoid common financial pitfalls.

5. How does eFrontiers contribute to financial education?

eFrontiers believes that financial education is a crucial skill that everyone should have. By making financial learning accessible and enjoyable through our Money Masters app, we hope to contribute to increasing financial literacy around the world.

6. How can I download the Money Masters app?

The Money Masters app is available for download on both the App Store for iOS users and Google Play for Android users.

7. Is my data safe with Money Masters?

Yes, your data is safe with us. We adhere to strict data privacy regulations and ensure that your information is secure and confidential.

8. I have a question/problem with the Money Masters app. How can I get support?

If you have any questions or encounter any problems with the Money Masters app, please contact our support team at info@moneymasters.app. We’re here to help!

9. How can I stay updated with eFrontiers?

You can stay updated with us by subscribing to our newsletter, and following us on social media! Follow eFrontiers on LinkedIn and Money Masters on Instagram. Links below.

10. I’m interested in partnering with eFrontiers. Who should I contact?

We’re always open to partnerships that align with our mission. If you’re interested in partnering with us, please contact victor@efrontiers.io, or request a Demo by clicking  “Request a Demo” in the top-right corner of our website.